Carbonate, the Other Soil Carbon

March 26, 2020

In an Iowa Learning Farms webinar, March 25, 2020, Mark Rasmussen, Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture Director, discusses, "Carbonate, the Other Soil Carbon," sharing research on calcium carbonate and its role in carbon storage in soils in Iowa and the Midwest. He describes how calcium carbonate is formed, shares information on its distribution and discusses its importance as one of the largest reservoirs of carbon on the planet. 

A related poster and lightning talk, "Pedogenic carbonate concretions in Iowa's Loess soils: A modern carbon sink?" was presented at the 2020 North Central meeting of the Geological Society of America (May 18-19), by Jazlyn Beeck, a junior majoring in Geology at Iowa State University. Beeck's co-authors were LCSA Director Mark Rasmussen and Elizabeth Swanner, assistant professor, geological and atmospheric sciences.