Leopold Center releases 2021 annual report

August 9, 2022

Monarch butterfly on blooming plant.

AMES, Iowa — The Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture’s 2021 annual report, released this week, is available online to read or download at: https://www.leopold.iastate.edu/files/page/files/leopoldannualreport_2021_final.pdf.

The report includes comments from Leopold Center Interim Director Steve Dinsmore and reviews some of the lessons learned by former director Mark Rasmussen, who retired in 2021.

Two articles by project leaders feature work that received significant support from the Leopold center in 2021. Adam Janke, associate professor, natural resource ecology and management, and wildlife specialist for Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, reported on the Iowa Master Conservationist Program. Billy Beck, assistant professor, natural resource ecology and management, shared news of his project to promote adoption of saturated riparian forest buffers.  

The Leopold Center report also includes updated financials and short highlights of other Leopold-supported efforts that began or culminated during the last year.  

“The Leopold Center continues to work towards its mission to identify and develop new ways to farm profitably while conserving natural resources and reducing negative environmental and social impacts,” said Dinsmore. “We are always interested in ways we can use our limited funding to benefit Iowa by supporting valuable outreach and research consistent with our goals.”