Managing Nutrients

waterThe Leopold Center, created by Iowa’s 1987 Groundwater Protection Act, has 30 years of investment in agricultural research and practices to improve water quality. Nutrient loading to Iowa’s waterways is a critical concern for the health of Iowa’s people and environment as well as for the vitality of the Mississippi River watershed and Gulf of Mexico.

The Center’s investments extend beyond the science of sustainable farming practices to social, economic and policy implications.

How is our work used?

The Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy, a science tile lineand technology based assessment, was developed in response to the 2008 Gulf Hypoxia Action Plan.
The Iowa Nutrient Research Center has been established at Iowa State University as a result.

Nearly all the practices evaluated in the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy have some history of research support from the Leopold Center. 


Completed research projects: Between 1988-2015, the Leopold Center completed 94 projects dealing with nutrient management. The projects are summarized in the document: Nutrient Management: Completed Leopold Center Grants 1988-2015. During that time, the Center invested more than $5.3 million in nutrient management research, provided five years of research support for the Manure Management Issue Team, six years of support for the Hoop Group Initiative and ISU Extension's statewide Manure Management Education Initiative, as well as numerous conferences and workshops.