The Drake University Agricultural Law Center, in cooperation with Farmland Stewardship Solutions, the Iowa Water Center, Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation, the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, and The Nature Conservancy is hosting a state-wide conference to help landowners share their experiences and learn how to protect their land, care for the soil and water, and develop the value of their farmland.
The conference, titled “Sustaining Our Iowa Land (SOIL) 2017: Cultivating Your Investment—Landowners and Stewardship” will be Thursday, July 27th at the Olmsted Center, Drake University.
“Our work on agricultural sustainability continues,” says Neil Hamilton, director emeritus of the Agricultural Law Center. “We are excited to be partnering with Iowa leaders to put more conservation on Iowa farms. There is growing concern Iowa’s commitment to protecting soil and water resources has waned. Our goal is to help landowners re-focus their efforts to not only improve their own farms but to help Iowa again become a leader in protecting our state’s greatest resource.”
“We help landowners develop the natural resource that is their farm,” says Mark Gannon, owner of Farmland Stewardship Solutions. “This conference is a great way for our company to partner with the Drake Agricultural Law Center and other Iowa groups to empower Iowa farmland owners to combine agricultural productivity and environmental stewardship. The Iowa agricultural community has to do a better job of helping the owners of the farmland and the farmers who farm it work together for a more sustainable future. This conference is a commitment to that work.”
The conference is designed for an Iowa audience, but others are welcome to attend as the issues we’re dealing with in Iowa are important in other states.
SOIL 2017 Conference
Cultivating Your Investment—Landowners and Stewardship
July 27, 2017
Olmsted Center, Drake University
Register online.
Founded in 1983, the Drake Agricultural Law Center is dedicated to providing opportunities to study how the legal system shapes our food system and influences the ability of the agricultural sector to produce, market, and utilize agricultural products.
To learn more about the SOIL Conference, registration, and sponsorship, visit
Media questions can be directed to Neil Hamilton at or to Matt Russell at 515-689-8219.